[iPhone 開発本] iPhone Advanced Projects がおもしろい
iPhone Advanced Projects | |
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Apress 2009-10-19 売り上げランキング : 32227 by G-Tools |
ApressのiPhone本は何冊か買ったが、これが一番使い出がある気がする。さすがAdvanced Projectsだ。
- Ben “Panda” Smith, discussing particle systems using OpenGL ES
- Joachim Bondo , demonstrating his implementation of correspondence gaming in the most recent version of his chess application, Deep Green.
- Tom Harrington implementing streaming audio with Core Audio, one of many iPhone OS 3 APIs.
- Owen Goss debugging those pesky errors in your iPhone code with an eye toward achieving professional-strength results.
- Dylan Bruzenak building a data-driven application with SQLite.
- Ray Kiddy illustrating the full application development life cycle with Core Data.
- Steve Finkelstein marrying an offline eMail client to Core Data.
- Peter Honeder and Florian Pflug tackling the challenges of networked applications in WiFi environments.
- Jonathan Saggau improving interface responsiveness with some of his personal tips and tricks, including “blocks” and other esoteric techniques.
- Joe Pezzillo pushing the frontiers of APNS, the new in iPhone OS 3 Apple Push Notification Service that makes the Cloud the limit for iPhone apps.
- Noel Llopis taking mere programmers into a really advanced developmental adventure into the world of Environment Mapping with OpenGL ES.
特に、 4章のデバッグの際に便利なテクニック集と、10章のAPNs(Apple Push Notification Service) をよく参照している。非常に実用的だ。
ただ、Advanced Projects なので始めたばかりの人が読むのは厳しいと思われる。ある程度詳しくなってから読むのが吉かと。
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