“I think the stainless steel looks beautiful when it wears” from The Perfect Thing
傷が付きやすいと言われている iPhone 7 ジェットブラック。ケースを付けるか迷ったら、下記のジョブズの味わい深いコメントを参照しよう。
This fierce emotion is shared by Apple’s CEO, by the way. Steve Jobs is very sensitive to any slight, even a veiled one, to the iPod’s appearance.
Once as I began an interview with him, I took out my microphone-equipped iPod to record the conversation. The device was covered by a translucent plastic iSkin cover.
He looked at me as if I’d smeared the Mona Lisa with cow excrement. I tried to explain that I wanted to prevent the smears and dings that iPods often attract. He wasn’t having any.
“I think the stainless steel looks beautiful when it wears,” he said. “Probably it’s like us. I mean, I’m going to be fifty next year, so I’m like a scratched-up iPod myself.” (Ironically, this conversation occurred only days before Jobs was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.
The Perfect Thing | Book by Steven Levy | Official Publisher Page | Simon & Schuster より
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